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Flight InformationFlight Data
Original Pilot:EM
Flight Number:19508
Days in Transit:30
Flight Origin:Brooklyn, NY 11223, USA
Mileage to Date:2,003,821 miles

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Flight Location

Flight Log
Order Pilot Arrival Date Location Mileage
(This Segment)
251 A 2024/03/21 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 2,139 miles
252 a 2024/03/21 Greater Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil 1,496 miles
253 a 2024/03/21 Sorocaba Metropolitan Area, State of São Paulo, Brazil 501 miles
254 a 2024/03/21 La Paz, Bolivia 1,427 miles
255 A 2024/03/21 Santos Metropolitan Area, State of São Paulo, Brazil 1,498 miles
256 A 2024/03/21 Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela 2,771 miles
257 A 2024/03/21 São Luís, State of Maranhão, Brazil 1,851 miles
258 A 2024/03/21 Córdoba, Córdoba Province, Argentina 2,380 miles
259 A 2024/03/21 Natal - State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2,579 miles