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Flight InformationFlight Data
Original Pilot:EM
Flight Number:19508
Days in Transit:30
Flight Origin:Brooklyn, NY 11223, USA
Mileage to Date:2,003,821 miles

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Flight Location

Flight Log
Order Pilot Arrival Date Location Mileage
(This Segment)
271 A 2024/03/21 Mendoza, Capital Department, Mendoza Province, Argentina 2,779 miles
272 A 2024/03/21 Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil 1,261 miles
273 A 2024/03/21 Russia 9,572 miles
274 A 2024/03/21 Türkiye 3,263 miles
275 A 2024/03/21 Germany 1,463 miles
276 A 2024/03/21 United Kingdom 642 miles
277 A 2024/03/21 France 678 miles
278 A 2024/03/21 Italy 595 miles
279 A 2024/03/21 Netherlands 787 miles